
KOSFEST and The ‘New Rush’

Chicago (IL) – During the Kosapalooza lovefest the great one himself stood atop the dais, it was as though the savior himself was ascending the mount, the fingers of his apostles went flying in unison to their laptop keyboards, the noise was overwhelming, like that of the clacking mandibles of an advancing army of dung beetles. This was Markos Moulitsas Zuniga’s coming out party, on Friday morning he achieved crossover appeal from notorious mockingbird Howard Kurtz’ Media Notes column in the Washington Post to E.J. Dionne Jr.'s latest piece The Rise Of Kos where he was essentially proclaimed to be the ‘new Rush Limbaugh’. While I certainly would not be pleased to be compared to a racist, misogynist, drug addled, thrice divorced pig who can’t get a hard on without pharmaceutical assistance and whose sex tourist soirees of vile debauchery through the fleshpots and brothels of the Dominican Republic hardly make him a champion of ‘values’ I am sure that Zuniga is cackling with glee all the way to the bank and enjoying his moment in the spotlight as the Dems make their pilgrimage to kiss his ring. I do however give the devil his due for planting a gigantic bug up the ass of the state sponsored neocon FOX network’s chief fascist blowhard Bill O’Reilly.

While the normal tactics over at ‘Orange’ are very much like the cutting of microphones (locking of accounts), petty demagogy (troll ratings) and appeal to the same type of sycophantic retrograde morons (kossacks) that are utilized on The O’Reilly Factor the point is well made that Kos and his slithering minions are exactly the sort of squadrons of angry winged monkeys that have long been lacking as a counter to the Freepers, Dittoheads and other bullies and frustrated thumb sucking dipshits on the extreme right, as Dionne puts it:

Daily Kos is often described as liberal, but it is, more than anything, partisan. Its core assumption is that ideological conservatives made the Republican Party their vehicle and rallied in lock step against Democrats. The party of FDR and JFK needed to find the same discipline. The key litmus tests for Kos and his many allies in the blogosphere involve not long lists of issues developed by the American Civil Liberties Union or the AFL-CIO, but loyalty in standing up against Bush and doing what's necessary to build a Democratic majority.

And just as Limbaugh aroused passionate opposition on the left, so has Kos become the object of conservative rage. In the lead-up to Moulitsas's Chicago gathering, Fox News's Bill O'Reilly, a right-wing showman who knows a threat when he sees one, has gone after Kos. "There's no question that the most vile stuff imaginable is posted on this hate site and others like it," O'Reilly said Tuesday.

O'Reilly is irate that the leading Democratic presidential candidates are showing up this weekend. "The far left wants a quasi-socialistic economy and a one-world foreign policy, where national security decisions are made only with the approval of other countries," O'Reilly fumed. "So that's the soup the Democratic presidential candidates will be dining on when they show up at the Kos convention."

I'm not in the habit of giving advice to Bill O'Reilly, but there's always a first time: Liberal rage at Rush Limbaugh not only was useless, but it actually strengthened his credibility with the right. (I speak from experience.) Bill, I bet Markos loves what you're doing.

Personally, I dislike the use of obscenity on the Web, and many online posts are way too nasty. But the right wing, suddenly so concerned with the niceties of political discourse, did not worry much about what its militants said about Clinton, Al Gore or John Kerry. Limbaugh even blamed the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, on a president who had been out of office for eight months. I'm still waiting for his apology.
I have my own documented history of problems with Zuniga and Daily Kos, many are personal and the others are because I detest electoral politics, censorship sucking up to candidates to curry favoritism at the expense of ideology or a unifying mission to take back this country from the war pigs, Social Darwinists and Rapture freaks who have taken it hostage but as the saying goes, nothing unites like a common enemy and I would encourage everybody to take some shots of their own at that loudmouthed prick O’Reilly as well as the rest of the Republican noise machine moonbats to take their raving, anti-American asses down a peg or three. It's time for total war against the fifth columnist filth that has polluted the airwaves in this country for far too long with their Gestapo tactics and uncanny ability to rouse the rabble.

Dionne put it pretty well that Zuniga and his masses of adoring asses have actually “started to beat Limbaugh and O'Reilly at their own game” which should be good news for all enemies of the Bushreich whether they are down with DK or not. So be sure and drop by O’Reilly’s boards, or Clownhall or anyplace else where the angry armies of reich-wing mental masturbators congregate and feel free to be real trolls. The bastards are finally getting a taste of their own medicine and the pressure tactics on sponsors have been working. Home Depot reportedly will no longer be advertising during The O’Reilly Factor as a result of a deluge of protests, now is not the time for mercy or to hold back as the initial defenses have been breached and it’s time to storm the beaches. We sure as hell can't count on the quisling Democrats to do anything other than cave in to his majesty Bush and the illegal wars for empire and against America undertaken by those who employ O'Reilly, Limbaugh and the rest of their ilk. The goose stepping morons of the reich wing noise machine are now scared shitless which is one thing that they have in common with the feckless Pelosi-Hoyer-Reid triad in this most worthless and pathetic of cowardly Congresses that will forever bear the scarlet letter of shame in American history for their quisling refusal to stand up to bullies with glass jaws.

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