
Michele Bachmann and John Wayne Gacy’s America

“That’s the kind of spirit I have, too”

-Moonbat Bachmann on Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy

“They were just a bunch of worthless little queers and punks”

Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy

In one of those classic political gaffes, on the day of the media adulation that circled America’s next great heroine like fecal particles going down a swirling toilet, Michele Marie Bachmann invoked the beloved John Wayne while working the rubes in Iowa. Gushing to one of the Roger Ailes minions of the fascist FOX Republican propaganda machine, Batsy cooed that “That’s the kind of spirit I have, too”. The problem was that she was referencing not “The Duke” but the notorious fiend John Wayne Gacy who was from Waterloo where the new and improved version of Sarah Palin was giving her stump speech.

Now In any sane and decent land, a slipup like this would put an end to a political career, especially one where the candidate is already a world class “flake”. Sad to say though that this is America 2011 where ignorance and incompetence are virtues and such a statement, about a serial killer who murdered gays only further serves to validate the ‘leadership’ credentials for one among the millions of die hard freaks who worhip her and would love to see ALL gays trucked off to industrial sized gas chambers.It was a Freudian slip but in John Wayne Gacy's America it's perfectly ok to strangle fags. The media of course, made a lightning fast rush to suck back up to the Moonbat lest the feckless and lazy careerist stenographers have to go and get a real gig rather than writing about dead white children, right-wing scumbags and being played as the chumps that they always have been by pathological liars the likes of panty sniffer Andrew Breitbart. John Wayne Gacy is actually a perfect metaphor for so many of today's Republicans, Gacy was by most accounts a 'normal' man, respected by his neighbors and a delight to children, dressing up as a clown and making balloon animals for children, he was the proverbial Mr. White Picket Fence America, a vision that despite it's illusory quality that the GOP continues to sell to the schmucks via their multi-billion dollar media and propaganda machine.

While outwardly 'normal' by day, Gacy had a serious jones for drugs, booze, gay sex and sado-masochism more often than not ending up in his cold blooded murdering of one of his victims. As the late actor Lon Chaney once remarked, "there is nothing funny about a clown in the moonlight" and by the time that the police had done their work there were nearly three dozen bodies that were dug up on Gacy's property. He became notorious not only for his perversion and cruelty but that he was able to keep it so successfully hidden, like Adolf Eichmann John Wayne Gacy was the epitome of the banality of evil. I see a lot of this in today's slow boiling denizens of a decomposing society, there is some serious anger, pent up sexual demons and seething vengeance locked up behind closed doors in suburbia, and a centralized artery of electronic hatred and raw fantasy via cable and satellite television is piped into each and every one of those homes where there are tens of thousands if not millions of less ostentatious versions of John Wayne Gacy, coiled like rattlesnakes and ready to spring like jacks in the box whenever the tipping point is finally reached. With the full blown assault on the black man in the WHITE House fueling so much of the economic and societal misery, the Republican party, it's fanatic Christian fascist component which Bachmann represents and those who know with icy certainty exactly which buttons need to be pushed in order to elicit the desired response from what are really nothing more than lab rats the reckoning could be in the very near future. These diseased swine have as much regard for the rule of order and stability as Michele Bachmann has for the truth and like Gacy, they have a serious ax to grind.

John Wayne Gacy was such a malevolent monster, so irredeemably evil and unremorseful for his many sins that his last words before he was executed were reportedly "You can kiss my ass". After his body was pumped full of a sufficient quantity of toxic chemicals to ensure that he had departed from this mortal coil his brain was removed to be studied by forensic pathologists for abnormalities that may have caused his inhuman tendencies and propensity for cruelty. Regarding his victims he sneeringly remarked that: “They were just a bunch of worthless little queers and punks” The raw malevolence that exists towards gays in this country is only going to be further juiced by New York's legalization of same-sex marriage, Bachmann has already promise to run on a constitutional amendment stripping what are loyal and decent Americans of this very right, what comes next is the question? Hitler was persecuting homosexuals long before he really got his ready to rumble Germans out in force rounding up Jews, he also attacked the handicapped, the unemployed, unions and real socialists lest they be around to point out that in passing off the Nazi's as National "Socialists" that they were hijacking the name to splice onto their own movement - remind anyone of the Tea Party?

Then there is that thing about the despised and demonized religious minority, Bachmann carries within her like the gestating Alien the seeds of an anti-Muslim fury so profound and intense that once it is loosed it will roar across this land like an atomic shock wave. Look for the real ugliness to begin once the big lie of Sharia Law and the war against southern fried American Cristendom becomes integrated with her message. With the economy continuing to be squeezed to screaming by Republican fascists who are hellbent on upping the pain and rubbing the sores raw in order to regain control of the spoils system the real holy war is rapidly drawing near.

Just my two cents over the mornin' cup of joe


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