
American Scum: Republicans Bask in the Scent of Fresh Blood

On Tuesday it all exploded for the Democrats, just like one of those hapless frogs that George W. Bush reputedly liked to stuff lit firecrackers up their asses and hurl in the air as a child, getting a chubby as he watched them explode into smoking balls of green and red bits. Or more appropriately like a flaming bag of dogshit parked on their doorstep on Obama’s inauguration day that has now been stomped on. In what amounts to total victory for the fascist right Americanized version of Golden Dawn the once disgraced criminal entity that is the Republican party broke the back of the left. With the rotten, cheese-eating vermin that is Wisconsin governor Scott Walker smacking down the recall and Republican scum throughout the land revitalized and backed by the bottomless coffers of the second generation Stalinists Charles and David Koch the machine is now fully set on kill and the bund halls and megachurches are rousing the rabble this very morning. The smell of fear and desperation oozes from Barack Hussein Obama’s every pore as the lynching parties salivate over the bloodletting of the next several months until he is metaphorically dragged from the WHITE House on the end of a rope behind a Ford F150 by a horde of mean-assed, juiced up rednecks looking to finally take their country back.

It was a triumph of money over the mindless as Wisconsinites frontal lobes were broiled like so much beer sodden bratwurst by waves of propaganda delivered to them through their television life support devices. With the Walker victory having proven that northern types are just as easily duped into voting against their own economic self-interests as their less sophisticated peckerwood counterparts south of the Mason-Dixon Line there will be upwards of a billion dollars spent on propaganda until November 6th. That is of course a lowball estimate because thanks to the RATS (Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Scalia) and Citizens United there will be no limit to what can be spent to install the feckless and slimy used car salesman Willard ‘Mitt’ Romney as Obama’s replacement and the complete destruction of the country that the Bushreich wasn’t able to finish will resume. The fat cats, banksters, theocrats, warmongers and high-rolling, tax chiseling plutocrats will be partying like it was January 20, 1981 again. They will storm into Washington like a conquering army, drop a fumigation tent over 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to rid the air of Negro and rename the place Reagangrad. The economic strip-mining can then shift into overdrive and the for profit prison gulags filled to capacity. Mobs of militarized police will be sent forth to gas, beat and disappear any Occupy movement types and drunk on victory teabaggers will prowl the streets of Reagangrad looking for Code Pink activists to bludgeon and sodomize. It will be morning in American anew.

Walker and his minions hit the Sunday morning bloviation circuit to escalate the war on the last vestiges of labor. Indiana governor Mitch ‘son of a bitch’ Daniels pontificated from the Roger Ailes terrorist television network to call for the elimination of public sector unions. Strange or more appropriately hypocritical how the police worshipping right-wing filth salivate over stripping their beloved blue boys of their collective bargaining rights but fully emboldened by their stomping of those damnable teachers the scumbaggers are full of piss and vinegar now. The hated New Deal is about to be rolled back and social Darwinist Ayn Rand freaks like Paul Ryan won’t have to put granny before a death panel, she won’t live that long once shorn of Medicare. Romney will of course take aim at the Holy Grail in delivering to the degenerate hustlers on Wall Street all Social Security funds that they can then gamble with, can you say DOW 80,000? It will be all thanks to the television lobotomized sheep who in the words of the brilliant social critic George Carlin who “continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don't give a fuck about them.” As for the “social conservatives” (politically correct term for ignorant hateful bigots) one can understand their motivation, the Republican fascists cynically and fully understand the powerful allure of using God to manipulate the mindless and have for the past three and a half decades used them as shock troops. Marx had it right about religion being the opiate of the masses but in his day before the advent of technology he was unable to see television becoming their black tar heroin. By mid-October the lies and hatemongering of the Republican fascist party will probably even be inserted into fucking Doritos commercials in some diabolical subliminal form.

The current savior of the week, Governor Walker himself appeared on CBS’s Face The Nation and Rick Santorum on Press the Meat. The message being pounded out that the unions are enemies of society and must be banned, cut out like a cancer along with that dangerous Islamist Commie Obama. Stomping out the gays can wait, like their role model Hitler the fascist Republicans fully understand that in order to rise to the pinnacle of power that the cooperation of big business is necessary. The Nazis were terrorizing and murdering labor unionists, socialists and the hated liberals long before they gassed the first Jew at Auschwitz. Obama will be peeled like a ripe melon over his dismal record on the economy and were it a genuine flogging it would be justified. He cut deals with the criminal scum that destroyed the economy and in their gratitude they then brought in Mitch McConnell back in early 2009 and repaid the favor by ensuring that Obama would not be able to change his mind. His administration was packed with weasels, traitors and guardians of the status quo, embedded to ensure that his tenure would be brief and when it was over the public could be counted upon to go into “blame it on the nigger” mode in restoring control over the spoils system to the same bastards who blew it all up in the first place. Geithner and Bernanke have been in the bag for the banksters and fellow mole, the longtime fixer Eric Holder has just directed his look the other way Justice Department to open what promises to be a very ugly and damaging probe into White House leaks on national security to bolster Obama’s reelection chances. The Republicans are engorged with the scent of blood and going in for the kill, the public incapable of either long term memory or the ability to question where all of the pigs were when Valerie Plame’s cover was blown and the Bushreich routinely rigged the multi-colored terror alert system by leaking ginned up information on plots for political gain.

What happened in Wisconsin last week wasn’t only the precision flicking of the foot so as to have the jackboot pulverize the trachea of labor once and for all. It was the war cry of the berserkers and hell hath no fury like scorned authoritarians.Walker, at least until he is indicted or the dogs called off by the waiting in the wings Romney administration is a hero to the America haters today and he digs it. He will finish off the job in the land of cheese and then hit the hustings to raise money and stump for Romney. There is no shame in the man, as Hunter S. Thompson once said of another piece of fascist garbage - “He knew he was scum, but it didn’t bother him"

Just my two cents


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